In the film, Life is Beautiful, it tells the touching story about a man during the holacaust and his family. It tells the story of an optimistic, Jewish man trying to get with his crush. The movie then turns an uncomfortable change in mood as himself, his crush who he started a family with and their young son go to a consentration camp. The similarities are pretty close, from the gas chambers, the train, and the elderly and kids who couldn't work to be sent off to death. The work they had was also very cruel which, unfortunately, was how it was back then. In short, the movie did a fair job at replicating how it was during the holocaust.
The main character creates humor is this movie which deeply changes the tone of the holocaust. Despite troubling moments, he manages to stay completely positive and perseveres for the sake of his son who is hiding from the guards with him, since he would have to be killed if he got caught. He especially stands out since everyone else is depressed which you can't really blame them for feeling like. Overall, the movie takes the viewer through an intense roller coaster of emotions throughout the movie.
The name of the film, Life is Beautiful, doesn't lie. There are some very beautiful moments in this film. For example, even though the main character tries his hard east to hide the terror from his son, he then finds out and it's beautiful how he does all this work so his son can be happy. A second example, is when the main character's family finally gets reunited for a rather controversial ending. All in all this movie was beautiful as the title suggests.